Maps & Rules

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Remember to turn on your
GPS for 'You Are Here' option
when on the trails.
UPDATED QR SCAN CODE-must be rescanned for
the updates to apply.
Printable PDF map is the most updated trail map.

& ATV Permits
Emergency Contacts / ATV Permit Locations
Emergency 911
Doug Wright, Union County Public Works Director
(541) 963-1016 dwright@union-county.org
Sheriff’s Department, Union County (541)963-1017
Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) (541)963-3168
Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (ODF&W) (541)963-2138
Union County Chamber of Commerce (541)963-8588
Grande Ronde Hospital (541)963-8421
900 Sunset Dr, La Grande, OR 97850
ATV Permit locations
AC Powersports (541)663-1111
10701 Walton Road, La Grande, OR
Bi-Mart (541)963-2166
2510 Adams Ave, La Grande, OR
Xtreme Heights Motorsports (541)663-0792
62867 Philynda Loop, Island City, OR
& Ordinances