First Thursday’s Race Series, 4/4
Location: Owsley Trailhead
Contact: Sean@easternwheelworks.com
Grande Ronde Bowmen safari shoot, 4/24 & 4/25
Location: Archery range
Contact: http://www.granderondebowmen.org/
BMSTC group ride, every Wednesday night @ 5:30pm Owsley Trailhead
First Thursday’s Race Series, 5/2
Location: Owsley Trailhead
Contact: Sean@easternwheelworks.com
BMSTC work day, 5/5
Location: Owsley Trailhead
Contact: https://bluemountainstc.org/
BMSTC Super D Race, 5/19
Location: Owsley Trailhead
BMSTC group ride, every Wednesday night @ 5:30pm Owsley Trailhead
First Thursday’s Race Series, 6/6
Location: Owsley Trailhead
Contact: Sean@easternwheelworks.com
Grande Ronde Bowmen Mt. Emily 3D shoot, 6/9 & 6/10
Location: Archery range
Contact: http://www.granderondebowmen.org/
BMSTC Short Track Race Series, every Monday night @ 5:30pm
Location: Owsley Trailhead
Contact: https://bluemountainstc.org/short-track-race-series
BMSTC group ride, every Wednesday night @ 5:30pm Owsley Trailhead
First Thursday’s Race Series, 7/11
Location: Owsley Trailhead
Contact: Sean@easternwheelworks.com
BMSTC Bike Festival, 7/19 – 7/21
Location: Owsley Trailhead
Contact: https://bluemountainstc.org/
BMSTC Short Track Race Series, every Monday night @ 5:30pm
Location: Owsley Trailhead
Contact: https://bluemountainstc.org/short-track-race-series
BMSTC group ride, every Wednesday night @ 5:30pm Owsley Trailhead
First Thursday’s Race Series, 8/1
Location: Owsley Trailhead
Contact: Sean@easternwheelworks.com
BMSTC group ride, every Wednesday night @ 5:30pm Owsley Trailhead
First Thursday’s Race Series, 9/5
Location: Owsley Trailhead
Contact: Sean@easternwheelworks.com
Union County Safe Communities Coalition Fun Run
Location: Owsley Trailhead
Contact: ucsafecommunities@gmail.com
BMSTC group ride, every Wednesday night @ 5:30pm Owsley Trailhead
BMSTC Sasquatch Challenge, 10/6
Location: Owsley Trailhead
*Note: Expect limited parking and higher traffic day of event.
BMSTC group ride, every Wednesday night @ 5:30pm Owsley Trailhead

One of the first MERA Events, before MERA was MERA:
This is a photo of possibly the first bike race in MERA was a fund-raiser for the high school Spanish Club, circa 1992-1995 .
The group here was some of the volunteers that also raced.